miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010

if you dont like this music you can push stop.
i can put another type of music if you want.
because my life is so interesant......

sometimes i think that we have to appreciate the little and very short moments that we have whit the people that we love ``live each moment until the end``.

i try to live each moment that i have whit all the people around me until the end.
in a normal week day i wake up, and i saw my image in all the mirrors of my house.
i start to preparate for go to school and see my friends again every days that passes.

in the school i make my best effort for be the best each day and learn of my mistakes,
i like commit mistakes because beyond this time does not repeat anymore.

when i arrive to my home i said hi, i feel free in my home i can be like i want and nobody is criticizes me just my parents because that is his work like parents.
try to live a happy life!
wake up every days and try to gift a big smile!

miércoles, 11 de agosto de 2010

dia de la raza 11-08-2010 !
Colombus day! (dia de la raza)

October 12 is celebrated in most Latin American countries of the Race Day. This date recalls the sighting of land for the sailor Rodrigo de Triana in 1492, when the crew reached the shores of the continent.

In 1913, the president of the Ibero-American Union Faustino Rodríguez-San Pedro suggested a celebration that would unite Spain and Latin America choosing to do so on 12 October.

The date marks the birth of a new identity and fusion product of the encounter of native peoples in the Americas and Spanish colonizers.

miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010

hello, hi, hola, bonjour, përshëndetje ahoj 你好 здраво halo こんにちは سلام hallo halo ciao salam merhaba

learn english is so cool come on and start to speak in english you will see that is very easy if you really wanted!!!

when you know how speak in english you can go to anothers countries and make new friends and obviusly  know another places.
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